Cantabile Music

Music New and Old

Ave Maria, D.839 Op.52 No.6

Альтернативное название Ellens Gesang III
КомпозиторФранц Шуберт
Аранжировщик David Cason
ИздательCantabile Music
Жанр Классика / Транскрипция
Инструменты Скрипка, Альт, Виолончель
Состав исполнителейКвартет
Тип нотПартии
Тональность Соль мажор
Время звучания 4'0"
Год создания 1825
"Ellens Gesang III" -- commonly referred to by its first text, "Ave Maria" -- from the "7 Songs (Op. 52)" of Franz Schubert, arranged for string quartet.

Something of a wedding and funeral standard, Schubert's "Ave Maria" was not originally set to the well-known Latin text, but rather to a German translation of poetry from the Sir Walter Scott epic "The Lady of the Lake", and was published as part of a set of seven songs from the same work.

This GigReady edition is easy to read and includes measure numbers on every measure, rehearsal marks on major sections, and optimized page turns.

Set of four parts.

Дата публикации: 29 дек 2012