Cantabile Music

Music New and Old

Bist du bei mir | Diomedes

CompositorGottfried Heinrich Stölzel
Arrajador Herman Roth, David Cason
EditoraCantabile Music
Gênero Clássico / Arranjo
Instrumentação Violino, Viola, Violoncelo
Composição paraQuarteto
Tipo de composiçãoPartes
chave Mi (E) bemol maior
movimento(s) 1 para 1 de 1
duração 2'30"
Ano de composição 1718
The aria "Bist du bei mir" from the opera "Diomedes, oder die triumphierende Unschuld" by G.H. Stölzel, arranged for string quartet.

"Bist du bei mir" was long incorrectly attributed to J.S. Bach due to its presence in the "Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach". The melody is actually an opera aria by Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel, though the continuo line differs somewhat in the Bach Notebook version. The arrangement is based on the the 1920 Herman Roth realization.

This GigReady edition is easy to read and includes measure numbers on every measure, rehearsal marks on major sections, and optimized page turns.

Set of four parts.

data de postagem: 26 dez 2012
